Friday, September 30, 2005

Shut that fool up.

Stop reading right now and contact the Salem Radio Network to demand immediate cancellation of Bill Bennett's radio show.

People who aren't black wonder what we're always so angry about, and why we try to explain complicated situations with one word: race. Poor health, substandard housing, exorbitant interest rates, run-ins with cops, rescue from hurricanes. We say: It's because we're black. They say: No, well, actually, it's because of your class, and your income level, and your parents' education...all of those complicated factors.

Now, after hearing Bennett's ignorant and incendiary comments, do you think we have some reason, the slightest reason to attribute our station to our race? Kanye may not have the evidence to indict George Bush for not liking Black people, but Bennett tried and convicted himself. (Check above link to read transcript of his call-in show).

Bennett's proposed idea is not so damaging for the possibility that it evokes. It is damaging for the core value it reveals. He has no regard for the lives of black children. A black child's life is not worth as much as a white child's.

Non white people know this, man. We know this so painfully well, like we know the sound of our own voices. It's evident in the schools we attend, the hospitals that serve us, the neighborhoods we live in. Yet our "meritocratic society" allows others to be oblivious. And use work ethic, choices, effort as the finite explanation to this conundrum. "I'm accomplished because I work hard. You suffer because you're lazy."

Bennett destroys the meritocratic argument by introducing a genetic pathology: Black children are born criminals. Kill them, and we will reduce crime. I cringe as I write the words. How dare he. (I have to say Obama's response that he "crossed the line" really wasn't much of a comeback.)

See why we think "it's" about race? Why we think we were left on a roof for days because we were black? Bennett makes it clear. We're not worth rescuing. We're not even worth being born.

In the spirit of Trent Lott, Strom Thurmond, and other morally-bankrupt politicians continues to provide us with reason to believe that it will always, always, always be about race.


Blogger Camille said...

I totally agree with your post.

September 30, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The interesting and fearful thing to me when these type of comments are said openly is that there are alot of folks who agree with this cat who may be lurking around us and worse yet in positions of power...hmmmm

I mean noone ever talks about it but whatever happened to all those young folks who used to scream epithets to black students who were attempting integrate schools and lunch counters?

October 03, 2005  

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